
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2016


Hello fellas! After almost a year I never wrote again in my beloved and super special blog! Firstly I would like to say ALHAMDULILLAH because I’ve done with my minithesis for getting a title background in my last name. Yes Bachelor of Education. Let you guest what I was feeling when my head major announced the score?? My heart was beating so fast and full of hopes but the result was……….”what!!! That’s my score? Just got B??? Come on! Where is a justice?” hahaha (just say me LEBAY cause that was really I was :p). I didn’t see an objective scoring, everything was about a close relationship between the “dosen penguji dan mahasiswa”! Have you ever felt and faced it before? What did you feel?? Yes.. I was very disappointed! Most of time I did a self-introspection but again my mind always said “it’s not a 100% your mistake, you’ve done well” whatever! I ju at wasn’t ready yet to accepted the reality at the moment haha. But now I realize that having a high score doesn’t mean you will g